Friday, September 14, 2012

Breakfast apple pie yogurt

So after making all 100 mini apple pies and 200 cookies I found myself with some left over diced apples that hadn't been seasoned yet. I added a handful of the apples to some plain Greek yogurt, sprinkled in some cinnamon and nutmeg, a bit of granola (I love natures path organic granola so yummy!) drizzled with a bit of honey and it was so good!

The kids loved it although in theirs I puréed the apples, aly will eat whole apples but if you cut them she won't touch them and drew wont eat apples if he can see them.

I have to admit... I think that this tastes better then my apple pies and the best part is that it is so much healthier than actual pie lol.

Next time I am going to use vanilla yogurt and skip the honey drizzle it was a bit to sweet for me.

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