Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hazelnut hot chocolate and cookies

It is a cold day here today, cloudy and dreary. I have 200 cookies to make for a BBQ at work, I'm exhausted and would rather spend the day curled up on the couch with Aly watching Harry Potter and reading books or coloring.

To give us some much needed energy me and aly made some hazelnut hot chocolate from scratch and it was good. The recipe is very simple

2 cups of milk
2 tblsp cocoa powder
4 tblsp home made nutella (store bought works too)
You can add more or use less nutella to your taste. 4 tblsp gives the hot chocolate just a nice mild barely there hazelnut taste.

Now that I have energy I am off to try to make 200 cookies in 3 hours and get my house and kitchen clean while I'm baking lol. Hopefully I at least get all the cookies made.

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