Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Crochet - Filet leaf square - the start of an afghan

Many years ago I bought a pattern off of e-bay planning to make this gorgeous fall blanket, some of the yarn is as old as the pattern. I was disappointed that I paid a fair bit for a pattern that turned out to be nothing more than a chart and a color guide that someone tore out of a book or a magazine. It wasn't even the full pattern.

I do really want this blanket for me it's just that at the time (in 2006) I had just started crocheting again after 10 years (I learned as a child and stopped when I was 12) and my son was a newborn and I wanted to make things for him first. One thing led to another, there was always something to make for someone else, then I learned to knit and well, now I have decided that I am actually going to make this. Don't get me wrong, I will be surprised if I actually finish it this year because it is the time of year when I start to make hats and scarves and slippers so who knows if I will actually work on the blanket?

At any rate here is square #1

The color is not the actual color of the yarn, I really need to start using my camera instead of my phone to take pictures.

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