Sunday, August 5, 2012

Painting at work

I was given a picture of pictures that someone thought would look great at work. Having no way to find the originals (although I am taking a wild guess that they came from pinterest since most people that I know lately are obsessed with that site.) I decided to try painting them myself.

To be honest I have very little talent when it comes to drawing or painting but I really like how these turned out.

I raided my kids stash of acrylic paints and used a sponge paintbrush for the background and a random loose brush that was in the bottom of the bag for the tree and birds.

I really like how they turned out unfortunately the colors match nothing at work except my dull beige office that will hopefully be a bright tropical blue soon. I may just end up putting at least one of them up at home.

I really like the second one but I am not sure if I should add something to it or not, a silhouette of a bird, maybe a butterfly? Or just leave it alone? I can't decide so for the moment I am just going to leave it the way that it is.

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